Demystifying Oracle SQL Monitor: A Comprehensive Guide
Introduction Oracle Database's SQL Monitor is a powerful tool that provides deep insights into the execution of SQL statements, offering DBAs and developers crucial information for optimizing query performance. In this guide, we will delve into the various aspects of SQL Monitor, from understanding its default behavior to generating real-time and historical reports. Whether you're new to SQL Monitor or a seasoned user, this guide aims to provide valuable insights for effectively utilizing this tool. Default Behavior and Forcing Monitoring SQL Monitor automatically tracks SQL statements that run in parallel or consume at least 5 seconds of combined CPU and I/O time during a single execution. However, if you want to monitor specific SQL statements, you can include the `MONITOR` hint within the statement itself. For instance: SQL SELECT /*+ MONITOR */ count(*) from table you can force monitoring by setting the event "sql_monitor" at the system level: SQL ALTER SYSTEM SET...