
Showing posts from February, 2024

Unveiling the Mystery Behind a Critical Downtime Incident: Default TRANSMIT_MODE Behavior in Oracle Database 19c's Log Archive Destinations

Recently, one of our valued customers experienced a significant downtime event when their complete 6-node RAC cluster fell into a hang state due to a massive pile-up of sessions, exceeding 6000. The gravity of the situation was immediately apparent as the downtime persisted intermittently for nearly four hours, from 2:10 PM to 5:30 PM, impacting critical transactions and leading to declines. Upon their reaching out to us for assistance, our troubleshooting journey commenced, aiming to uncover the root cause and provide recommendations to rectify the issue. Problem Statement: The 6-node cluster entered a hang state despite attempted reboots, resulting in a prolonged outage with severe implications for transaction processing. Unraveling the Culprit: The issue presented itself as a perplexing anomaly, requiring thorough analysis of diagnostic data within the live system. Initial investigations revealed a high occurrence of GC and logfile sync wait events amidst other contention factors. N...